Sunday, June 24, 2007

Three Books on Writing

Boy, blogging is turning out to me more of a time commitment than I had expected - and this is only the third post. If I really feel like writing I hit the novel a lick, once that burst of energy has run its course there is very little left to blog - if I want quality in the blog, which I do.

How's that for a run-on, complicated sentence? Which leads us to three books that I have recently purchased in an attempt to improve my writing on the fly. They are:

1. The Elements of Style, 4th Edition, by Strunk & White. This evidently is or should be every writer's slim little bible. Virtually everyone who talks about improving their writing enthusiastically endorses this book. Originally published in 1918.

2. A Memoir of the Craft, by Stephen King. Yes, Stephen King the best selling novelist. I bought this on the basis of recommendation on writing threads and agent blogs. "Combines autobiography and admonition, inspiration and instruction. It's an enjoyable mix." - The Washington Post Book World

3. Self-Editing for Fiction Writers, How to Edit Yourself Into Print, Second Edition, by Brown and King. In an amateurish, best-effort way I've edited two manuscripts for a buddy of mine. Perhaps this will improve my effort for him as well as me should my rough draft ever get finished and require editing.

I've read Elements of Style and am halfway through A Memoir of the Craft. After reading each book I will re-read and highlight, which is an effective way for me to study something. My plan for the blog, for now, is to discuss some of the highlights from each.

Right now, though, I'm in a hotel in Dallas and its lights-out time.

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