Friday, December 14, 2007

Soooo Close....... the end of the book, the end of the first draft I mean.

I emailed my writing buddy last night and told him that today I would start the final chapter. That wasn't quite correct, there's a lot of ground yet to cover with a natural chapter break in the middle, so this morning I started the next-to-last chapter. Its going very well, the words are flowing fast, I should finish it tonight and, if I get a lot of time to write tomorrow, the last chapter will be done.

Wow. "The last chapter will be done"

For the first draft. Yes, just the first draft.

Even so, its been nine months of writing and approximately 215,000 words (yikes!) to get to this point. I may raise a few glasses in mild celebration tomorrow night, should I in fact get to type the words "The End".

If so, I have another immediate, pressing writing assignment to complete: The Family Christmas Letter. Family and friends, if I ever complete the book to the point of sending you the manuscript, and if you ever have enough interest to peruse this blog which documents its progress, realize how hard it was to resist putting in an announcement of the Secret Project into the Christmas Letter.

Here's hoping that Christmas Letter 2008 will announce the completed & polished manuscript, maybe even representation and, dare I say it - no, I don't, we won't risk breaking the Pop Off Rule.

Tomorrow night or soon thereafter I should be able to blog the completion of the first draft.

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